As women were expected to live a humble lifestyle, the means of obtaining an education remained unfeasible for many women. Woolf alludes to Judith Shakespeare—a fictional character, to describe a woman's plight. Judith “remained at home” with “no chance of learning” as she was conformed to “the conditions of life for a woman” (Woolf.3.4-5). Despite being of affluent background, Woolf illustrates that she was distanced from education and was pressured …show more content…
If society possessed a particular regard for a woman’s wellbeing, their state of affairs would differ greatly because “if [they were left] two or three hundred thousand pounds” their discussions would pertain to "archaeology, botany, anthropology...” (Woolf.1.13) rather than domesticity. Woolf interprets that the inability to acquire money entirely affects a woman’s mindset; as illustrated by the impression that wealth would modify their conversations to be more erudite. In the 19th century, wealth presented individuals with the best means to achieve education. However, society restricts their ability to keep or handle money; just as it was considered male’s property. The restrictions placed on women’s path towards wealth failed in obscuring their judgement as“women not only [talked] about money but [they had] a clear understanding of their finances and of the ramifications of their financial status” (Scheuermann.1.3). Society places women in a situation where whether she is single or married, finding and managing money is a relentless pursuit. The socioeconomic status of females compels them to be more concerned with obtaining money rather than education, thus effectively hindering their chances to obtain opportunities.
In most societies, females are indisputably subjected to the dominion of males. Virginia Woolf brings this subject to light and comments on its effects on a women’s socioeconomic status. A Room Of One’s Own serves as a medium which opposes the standards that permits the persecution of women. Woolf publicizes her dedication to gender equality, in hopes of eradicating