Emily is woman who embodies the old South. She has the …show more content…
They both are very well respected and both know what they want. Emily “carried her head high enough- even when [they] believed that she was fallen” (37). By carrying her head high, she is demanding respect and is full of confidence causing no one to want to question her actions to her face. For example, purchasing the arsenic. The druggist did not dare to question her a second time about why she was purchasing it after staring into his eyes. Homer came with “the construction company... and [was] a foreman”(37). He also drove around “with his hat cocked and cigar in his teeth, reins and whip in a yellow glove” showing off with confidence and knowing everyone would respect him (38). Within his company, he is in a powerful position and has a way of carrying himself, which is why people respect him. He does not care what others say about what he does or his views. No one questions his thoughts or actions. The newer generation of leaders in the town respects him for his modern ideas and how he carries himself. It is evident that both Emily and Homer are very different characters with different views of society. While Homer chooses to change to modern ideas with the new era, Emily refuses to conform and clings to the traditions of the old South. Although they are opposite, they still are both similar in the way of holding power around