“A Separate Peace” by John Knowles illustrates the story of Gene Forrester, a quiet, intelligent student residing in New Hampshire at the school of Devon as World War II hangs in the background. During his summer session, he befriends his reckless roommate, Phineas, where his charismatic character gets him out of mischief. Gene begins to develops jealousy towards Phineas for his athleticism and suspects that he has been intentionally diverting him from his studies. His belief turns into loathing and the hatred for Phineas. Knowles re-illustrates identity, through people’s perception of war and friendship by using Gene's enmity, Phineas' beliefs and Leper realization of the war.
Gene’s friendship with Phineas …show more content…
As Phineas returns from recovering from his injury, Gene talks to him about enlisting in the war. Phineas scoffs at this saying “there isn’t any war”. He believes “That’s what this whole war story is. A medicinal drug.” (115). Because of Phineas denying the war and creating his own reality, his identity and behavior are a result of it, “like a wave at the seashore...peaceably treading water." His choices to stay with his beliefs creates his identity. His identity as an innocent character, re-illustrating the war as just a peaceful dream. As Leper enlists into the war, people in the Butt Room begin making stories about him and his glory. Phineas didn’t join in because he didn’t believe in the war so "He drew me increasingly away…into a world inhabited by just himself and me, where this no war at all, just Phineas and me alone" When events that might draw him out of his fantasy, he hides into his fantasy along with Gene. Gene now becomes an extension of him, as not just as a friend but as Phineas himself. When he can’t fully control his life, he makes Gene live his life for him. If anything transpires to Gene, he loses what he has left to make of his dreams. Now Phineas’ identity relies upon Gene, making him do whatever he would have done. Phineas’ denial of the war and reliance on Gene re-illustrates how people see friends and re-illustrates how war might …show more content…
As the school of Devon are recruiting members for the war, Leper, a nature loving student decides to join the army because “It’s like a test isn’t it, and only the things and the people who’ve been evolving right away survive” (125). Leper’s ideals of protecting nature changes when he believes to “protect” nature, he must evolve with it. If he wants to keep his identity, the nature he loves and filled with his values, he believes he must keep up with the changes. Nature creates his identity and to retain it, he believes his values must change as the war hangs in the background. Gene receives a letter that Leper “escapes” from the army. Gene learns that he has gone mad and in great turmoil, and leaves him there. When Leper returns however at the mock trial for Gene, he knows what happens at the tree, but “I don’t want to implicate myself. I’m no fool you know. I’m not going to tell you everything and have it used against me later… I know when I have information that might be dangerous.” (176). Leper after being in the army changes his identity as a timid, and easily pushed around student turns into a student filled with the horrors of the world outside of Devon. What he saw outside of Devon brings him to not care about nature or gratifying others anymore. Now, he only cares for himself and what he the power he possesses when Brink tries to make him talk about Phineas’ fall.