(8 years Earlier)
It was an early Sunday morning, Anthony's whole family was at church. They we’re sitting in the back like we normally do because they don't get there in time to get to sit in the front. After mass they went home and Anthony's mom started cooking a new recipe,chicken parmesan and asparagus with hollandaise sauce for our sunday dinner. She liked to try new things on sunday when the whole family would get together. Later that night after they ate dinner his family played games for a little then went to bed. …show more content…
It's moving day but it's different. 2 months ago his parents decided that it'd be best if they separated. Anthony's mother hasn't packed anything and his dad had all of his belongings in the carriage. Anthony and his two younger siblings, Alphonz and Sereba, they moved into a 2 bedroom apartment. Anthony and his father, Aldo, Shared a room and Alphonz and Serena shared a room, since they were the youngest. A few weeks after living in the new town, Anthony started getting into trouble and hanging out with the wrong people. He started stealing, jumping people, jacking cars. 2 years passed and his mother started to get sick. His father decided that it would be best if he moved back with his mother so he could help her back to health. He got a job on the corner market selling produce and he changed his actions. He wasn't stealing anymore,