
A Slave To Yellow Peril Summary

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A Slave To Yellow Peril Summary
Most of the knowledge of immigration that I bring to this article is based off what I have heard or learned from my family. Mainly, from just listening to my parents and relatives talk. The knowledge I bring to this article is from my Grandma. She immigrated to the US when she was nine years old. She lived in Poland before and was in a work camp during World War Two. She does not recall all the specifics of what she went through. Just mainly, that it was a long process, but that was around 65 years ago. I feel as if the wait and how long it takes is even longer now to get citizenship.
The main idea for the article, A Slave to Yellow Peril, is the attempt of the Asian population coming to the Midwest and specifically in Wichita. The article focuses on the demonstrations of racism against the Chinese. Americans were afraid that the Chinese were going to come and “suck the blood from Uncle Sam” (page 24). The Chinese were considered more intelligent and able to work for less. They also did not care what job they worked. The Chinese worked in the laundry business, which was considered to be feminine.
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Powderly to help her illustrate wo and what the Order of the Knights of Labor were. She uses his work to explain what she means when she talks about “economic discontent, more abstract and simply racist feelings” (page 25). His statement helps illustrate how the Chinese never adapted themselves to Americans habits and how they did not really associate with other people. The Chinese are portrayed as intelligent and a threat to take American jobs. Therefore, the riots against the Chinese start. The fear of Americans, no matter what it is, creates problems for those who are not American. American’s seemed to have a problem with people who immigrant here and are not able to adapt to American

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