the reader that life shouldn't be taken for granted and that even though society can be scary, people shouldn't be afraid to live and do the things they want through embracing that she was kidnapped and talking freely about what happened/how she got help.
At the age of eleven, Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped by a guy named Phillip and his wife Nancy. When Jaycee was first captured she was very scared and constantly wished that she could go home, she didn't really understand what she was doing at Phillips house. During her teens years at Phillips house she suffered through mental abuse and had been raped on many occasions. “ I hated what he was doing to me, but I felt helpless to do anything about it. When he would cry afterward and “thank” me for helping him with his sexual problem, I wanted to yell and scream to please let me go” (Dugard 144). To Jaycee, she didn't see it as helping Phillips problem, she saw it as being used and didn't like it at all. As time went on she started to give up hope that she would be found and get to go home. On many occasions she thought of escaping but stopped herself because she knew if she left she wouldn't get to take her children with her. After she was discovered, she went through years of therapy to help her recover from what had happened. She learned that is not defined by what had happened to her and she can choose to be happy even if the unimaginable has happened to her.
Through Jaycee Dugard's book, she has taught people to not take life for granted.
Society doesn't know what will happen tomorrow, anything can happen. People should not spend their lives scared of what happens next and living in fear. “Life’s adventure is important. It is important to live each day to it’s fullest, whatever life brings you” (Dugard xii). Society should always look on the bright side, bad situations can happen to good people but that shouldn't determine how they live. Another lesson Jaycee has taught society is that yes there are bad people out in the world but not everyone is like that.“To me a large part of the world was made up of pedophiles and rapists. I have come to realize this is not true. There are some really fantastic, wonderful,and helpful people out here who have been amazing and comforting and try every day to do the right thing” (Dugard 142-143). Even though the unimaginable happened to Jaycee, she didn't let that stop her from living her life. Yes what happened to Jaycee wa awful and no one should have to go through what she did, but it happened. She wants everyone to see that with help anything is possible, no one has to go through rough times alone.
Overall Jaycee has taught society many lessons on how life should be spent. She overcame a huge obstacle in her life and wants to help others who have been in similar situations. She has taught people to not to live in fear and to not take life for granted. She wants society to know that even though
the unimaginable happened to her, she is okay. She also wants society to know that it is okay to ask for help and people should never be alone when they need help to most.