Recent days, a storm of protest against universal suffrage sweep over our society and conflicts between parties and stakeholders were arouse. In psychology, there are several ways to help explains one’s behavior and personalities. Through these days’ demonstrations, several theories were conveyed and inspired me a lot.
To Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis, personalities consists of 3 parts: the id, the ego and the superego and our behavior is the product after striking a balance between. During the protest, tears grenades were fired and police force were armed with guns and truncheon. On the other words, protestors’ might be facing dangers and the instinct of avoiding death was stimulated. Moreover, the Occupy Central event was an illegal act which may also contradict with the moral compass. Yet to the superego side, protestors were also an upholder who defending core values like civil rights and “real universal suffrage”, which they …show more content…
One of my friends, Amy think it is worth to violate the law and fight for real justice, hence her ego decided to take action and participate in the Occupy Central, while her family just can’t agree with her, saying that deliberately breaking the law was unacceptable and are not supporting her decision. Due to the choices, ego shows different behavior and attitude towards the Occupy Central event.
In addition, the conflicts between id, ego and superego had led to anxiety and trigger our defense mechanism. From the live TV news, I saw protestors crying and not knowing what to do after the fired of tears gas grenades. I asked some of my friends who participated in it and one girl, Min (16 years-old) was too frightened that she could barely remember what had happened that night, in which repression occur as the scary memory was blocked from Min’s