German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, in his work, 'Foundations of the …show more content…
With the Basic Freedoms, he maintains that citizens with similar abilities regardless of their social class should have basic rights and freedoms and with the second principle, which is the Difference Principle, Rawls states that there can be inequality as long as it makes the worst person better off. He comes up with a thought experiment known as the original position. Rawls (1971, p. 208), states that the original position is a "purely hypothetical situation characterized so as to lead to a certain conception of justice." Rawls talks about the original position that individuals find themselves in and because of this original position, rational, self-interested individuals are likely to push for equal opportunity. Equal opportunity, can be achieved when people, with similar skills or talents, regardless of the economic situation they find themselves in, are able to reach the same level in society. The reason as to why individuals in the original position push for equal opportunity is because, they are behind a veil of ignorance. This veil of ignorance makes them unsure of where they are likely to end up in society, and as such, they would not like it if people in a certain social class had some advantages or disadvantages simply because of where they found themselves in society. Because of this, individuals in the original position are more …show more content…
The reason as to why public leadership has an impact on economic inequality is because according to one the first principle of Microeconomics, people face tradeoffs and in view of this principle, it has also been identified that the government faces a tradeoff between economic efficiency and economic equity. The government has to choose between increasing economic productivity, i.e. increasing the size of a hypothetical "national pie", hence, choosing efficiency or ensuring that everyone receives the same share of the "national pie", hence choosing economic equity. The choice between efficiency and equity that the government makes will inadvertently determine the type of economic system that a country will