Transition, the …show more content…
women of Afghanistan relished the array of opportunities to acquire a decent job or an education. Laila expressed her frustrations as an well-rounded educated woman coming from an education background, since her father attended university, that it is absurd to refrain women the right to pursue their desired career path. This quote validates the fact that women possessed the same capabilities as men. The idea of imprisoning and stripping away another human’s rights due to their gender was despicable and utterly inhumane to Laila, but to Rasheed he believed it was the appropriate decision. Transition, Mariam has witnessed a more distinguishable kind of “breed” of women roaming around the streets. The “modern” women of Afghanistan represent liberation and individuality. An Afghanistan couple with the perfect “modern” ideals, allow women to express their feminine beauty through attire. Kabul was a village where women were influencers rather than a man’s property, women had the right to be free and decide for their lives, rather than tolerate a man who decides their future.
Transition, the Taliban has now a major influence over the town of Kabul and Laila is growing concern of her daughter Aziza’s safety.
This dream expresses Laila’s concern as a mother who has a daughter in Afghanistan, where men have the upper-hand over the women. The Taliban begin to invade into residences and assault the bewildered victims. She is concerned for her daughter’s safety, believing their is a slight chance they could remove her from her arms. Transition, as soon as the Taliban had reign over Afghanistan, they have set a new standard of laws to enforce brutally. These set of new laws have set a stone over women’s rights. The Taliban have strictly denied any aspect of beauty in a women's regimen. Due to the Taliban’s successful efforts to strictly forbid any kind of enojoyable interetainment for the masses, significantly the women’s rights.
To conclude, ever since the Taliban’s influence over Afghanistan they have successfully wiped out many opportunities earned by women. Women thirty years ago had many roles that influenced their significant communities in Afghanistan. Injustice was evident throughout Afghanistan, and women were stipped from their natural