Only until he flew off that one of the villager regretted the way she thought of him. It was such and uncalled situation for the villager to label the old fellow as a devil. We agreed that they shouldn’t have been too quick to judge, yet were in the same situation. The irony of this story is to not judge based solely on looks. Irony is a perfect tool for evaluating society because we often do it. For example, the parent would teach one’s child not to judge another person without getting to know them. However, the parent does the exact opposite of what they taught their children. There is a reason for us to critique society because of our insecurity. We judge, so we can feel better about our self. In Marquez’s story, ““He’s an angle,” she told them. “he must have been coming for the child, but the poor fellow is so old that the rain knocked him down”” (Marquez 3). This is the ideal personality of how we should judge a person. Yet the exact opposite happened because “then he noticed that seen close up he was too much human: he had an unbearable smell of the outdoors, the back side of his wings was strewn with parasites and his main feathers had been mistreated by terrestrial winds and
Only until he flew off that one of the villager regretted the way she thought of him. It was such and uncalled situation for the villager to label the old fellow as a devil. We agreed that they shouldn’t have been too quick to judge, yet were in the same situation. The irony of this story is to not judge based solely on looks. Irony is a perfect tool for evaluating society because we often do it. For example, the parent would teach one’s child not to judge another person without getting to know them. However, the parent does the exact opposite of what they taught their children. There is a reason for us to critique society because of our insecurity. We judge, so we can feel better about our self. In Marquez’s story, ““He’s an angle,” she told them. “he must have been coming for the child, but the poor fellow is so old that the rain knocked him down”” (Marquez 3). This is the ideal personality of how we should judge a person. Yet the exact opposite happened because “then he noticed that seen close up he was too much human: he had an unbearable smell of the outdoors, the back side of his wings was strewn with parasites and his main feathers had been mistreated by terrestrial winds and