1. The media is trying to convey the message that over the years, the idealistic woman has not changed. Although we are in the jet age but the woman still cooks, cleans the house, washes the dishes and scrubs the floor.
2. The example that is used to convey this message is the picture of a woman, kneeling on the floor in the kitchen. she is wearing a gown and an apron. The woman is holding a piece of cloth with which she cleans the floor.
3. The message in the picture actually fits the woman's gender role stereotype. The reason is that it actually depicts the life of the woman in every society. No matter the schedule of a woman, she is the one responsible
for the cleaning and upkeep of the home. A woman pays more attention to the neatness of a home than a man.
4. No. The message is not consistent with my belief about the female gender. I am of the opinion that both the man and the woman should equally be responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of a home.