A 2.2 assess candidates performance against the agreed standards
Q. How do you use observation of performance to demonstrate achievement of particular standards?
* Observation is used to assess the competency of a candidate in performing physical tasks in a realistic working environment, usually the workplace. * To be competent, the candidate must show that he/she has the ability to carry out a task safely against the occupational standards of the relevant N.V.Q. element, and to satisfy the performance criteria.
Q How do you ensure the environment for observing candidates is safe?
* A Risk Assessment should be in place or be carried out before an observation takes place. * A decision should be taken by the assessor before an assessment of the suitability of an assessment e.g. during inclement weather. * All machines, tools and materials must comply with all Health and Safety legislation, Codes of practice and manufacturers recommendations.
Q Why is it important only to use the agreed standards to assess the evidence.
* The evidence is only valid if it is assessed against the occupational standards. * To ensure quality assurance is maintained. * The standards have been agreed and submitted by the awarding body, and are the only standards which can be used and assessed against.
Q How do you ensure the assessment is fair?
* The assessment must be negotiated with the candidate who should be .familiar with the occupational standards he/she is to be assessed against. * The evidence should only be assessed against the occupational standards / performance criteria * Appropriate methods of assessment to suit candidate needs must be used * The assessor must be occupationally competent and be working towards or have the appropriate assessor award. * The candidate must be aware of the appeals procedure. * The evidence should be valid, sufficient, current and authentic.
Q How do you ensure