
ABC-X Model Of Family Stress

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ABC-X Model Of Family Stress
1. The ABC-X model of family stress helps clarify the causes of how some families tumble into a crisis when dealing with a stressor. The model allows families to recognize each component of the stressor(s) as well as to get an understanding on how they associate with one another. The ABC-X model involves three variables, A, B and C, which interact together to produce the product X. The A factor is the stressful event that the family encounter that disrupts the equilibrium of the family. As stated in our book “a stressor event is an occurrence that provokes a variable amount of change in the family system (Price, Bush, & Price, p. 7)”. There are ten dimensions of family stressors, which are internal vs. external, pervasive vs. bounded, precipitate onset vs. gradual onset, intense vs. mild, transitory vs. chronic, random vs. expectable, natural generation vs. artificial generation, scarcity vs. simple, perceived insolvable vs. perceived solvable and last but not least substantive content. The B factor is better known as resources. Factor B includes resources and social support within churches and well as communities. With this factor the family uses strength as well as support to help respond to the stressor(s) they’ve encountered. Factor C allows the families to express their response to the stressor(s) through their …show more content…
Family systems theory explains the interactions of family members. Within a family systems theory, the main focus is how families member relate to one another. A family builds a collection of interactions called systems. The focus is on the family rather then just an individual. With the system there are qualitatively different elements that helps determine what we are and what we can become, One of the dominant principles of family systems theory is that family systems establish themselves to conduct diurnal encounters and the developmental requirements of its members. Families are vigorous and have approaches that control the way they

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