ACIM Text Study Course with MiraclesOne
Paper 1
Week 1- Week4
Preface-Ch 2
“God Himself will take the final step in our return to Him”. This begins my study of the Text of A Course In Miracles. The preface gives an extreme overview of what the course contains. It is as the name suggests, a course that is broken down into three parts; text, Workbook for Students, and a Manual for Teachers. The order in which to study the books of the course is dependent on the students’ needs and preference. However, the curriculum is systematic, stresses the importance of application of the teaching, not just a theory of them, and encourages the use of experience versus the use of theology. “This Course is …show more content…
This shows us that miracles occur in numerous ways, and forms. All miracles require Love.
Section2: Revelation, Time, and Miracles
Revelations are extremely personal. They are a form of communication from the Creator to His Creation. Miracles on the other hand are profoundly interpersonal offering a greater level of closeness with others. The miracle makes time insignificant, for there in not a relationship between Miracles and Time.
Section3: Atonement and Miracles
Two things stand out to me in this section in particular “You cannot behave appropriately unless you perceive correctly”. The Golden Rule is the rule for appropriate behavior. The second is “This is how a man must think of himself in his heart, because this is what he is”. Understanding this, we allow ourselves to be open to hearing the Holy Spirit and His guidance.
Section4: The Escape from Darkness
“Darkness is a lack of light as sin is a lack of Love”. When we understand that Holiness can never be hidden by darkness. This section encourages us to hide nothing for this is how we experience Peace and …show more content…
The awakening process is like awaking from a deep sleep. The awaking process sheds light on the fear that holds us from moving to the next level. When the light shines upon us, it illuminates our life and we find Peace. Peace is one of our internal attributes.
Section2: The Atonement as Defense
In this section, we learn that our body is a Holy Temple and we learn the place of the Holy Inner Alter that can only be seen with perfect Clarity. It is here you find refuge, comfort, peace; healing and we commune with our Creator. “The children of God are entitled to the perfect comfort that comes from perfect trust”. We are dependent on God, Our Daily Bread, and He, our Creator longs to commune with us, His Creation.
Sectoion3: Healing as Release from Fear
“Only the mind can create because the Spirit has already been Created, and the body is a learning device of the mind”.
Section4: The Function of the Miracle