Subjective Section Something positive I observed about the office is the level of unity that exists amongst the ADA’s. The ADA’s are assigned to different parts and there are usually roughly a total of 4 or more ADA’s in that part. Each part will have 1 ADA in court everyday, that ADA will handle every case on the calendar. I observed the unity when I watch the ADA in court take on the responsibility of covering issues in another ADA’s case, as well as taking on other responsibilities. For …show more content…
Stephanie Hernon is the ADA that works in that part. I love animals and I really value that this commitment to animal safety. I do not know much about the Animal Crimes Unit but I want to learn more about it and who created it. I plan to ask Stephanie to let me know if she has any cases. Hopefully she does have a case or two that I can help her with. I have always wanted to be an animal rights advocate, and I believe this would be an amazing opportunity. I want to learn more about the unit and who created it. All in all, I am highly familiar with the ADA’s and bureau chiefs, as well as the office system. The training and transition would be much more smooth for me as well. There are many positive aspects about this office and I would be honored to work here one