I was finally able to succeed in the classroom. Next year came and the school system tried to take away my accommodations, this happened every time I went into a new grade, it was almost as if my school didn’t want me to succeed. Throughout all of high school I was being forced into a philosophy I could never fit into, the Sponge model of education. Due to this experience, it was clear to me that the philosophical assumptions the public schools were running on were not real education and it would never work for me. The study of communications told me I was correct. In the classes, we dove deep into topics and gained a full comprehensive understanding. It was clear why we were leaning the topics, how they fit in the bigger picture of communications and in life.
I was finally able to succeed in the classroom. Next year came and the school system tried to take away my accommodations, this happened every time I went into a new grade, it was almost as if my school didn’t want me to succeed. Throughout all of high school I was being forced into a philosophy I could never fit into, the Sponge model of education. Due to this experience, it was clear to me that the philosophical assumptions the public schools were running on were not real education and it would never work for me. The study of communications told me I was correct. In the classes, we dove deep into topics and gained a full comprehensive understanding. It was clear why we were leaning the topics, how they fit in the bigger picture of communications and in life.