In the lives of Cleisthenes, he had practiced political and social reforms. After 510 BC tyrant was overthrown, sharpening the struggle between the aristocratic clan and clan aristocracy, Paul blood clan, portray and tribal organizations have slave owning not meet national needs for further development. After victory of the war, Cleisthenes …show more content…
In 480 years ago, he defeated the Persian fleet in the Battle of Salamis. Themistocles of Athens as a powerful has made tremendous contributions
In the lives of Pericles, he was prominent and influential Greek statesman. He think power is not to be a few people, but by the hands of all the people. The dispute arose when the private, all persons are equal before the law. As our political life is free and open way, the relationship between people in our daily lives here too, every individual not only interested in his own private affair, but also interested in the whole boat's event. That is why our state system is called a democracy.
In the lives of Socrates, he was a Greek philosophy, he has a relatively well-known view that all virtue is knowledge and sufficient for happiness, because he thinks the virtue belongs to the category of consciousness, and it with the possibility can be acquired through education. Actually, Socrates life in practice their faith, he convinced that everyone has wisdom, everyone just use their own common sense, and people can have true wisdom by