
Aa Meeting Analysis

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Aa Meeting Analysis
AA Meeting: The Point of View of an Outsider The purpose of this paper is to not only describe my experience at this meeting, but to also see into the life of a person trying to overcome their demons. We all have obstacles we are trying to surpass, but these people have a stronger hold to their demons because they bring them pleasure. These types of addictions is not an easy thing to overcome. The fact that they are so determined to change their lives, that they are willing to meet with complete strangers and tell them their deepest darkest secrets is admirable. One main theme was the tie to recovering from ones addiction and the help of a higher being. Religion has always been the centerpiece when it comes to hardships in life, but when it …show more content…
The only meetings I had ever experienced were the ones in movies and TV shows, which was completely different from what I experienced. The main difference from this meeting to most is the fact that it was being held by college students. It’s a shock to imagine that people the same age as I are having to deal with such difficulties when they haven’t experienced life to its fullest yet. They got swept up in the experience of “college” that they now must live with those mistakes for the rest of their lives. I think that by it being such a small group, it is easier to really get the help you need instead of being in a room full of people all talking about their problems. I talked to one of the members afterward and asked if they have ever been to other meetings, and they said no. I then asked if they liked the fact that it is just the four of them, and they said they wouldn’t want it any other way. They said that since it is a smaller group it is easier to communicate their feelings to each other without feeling like they are just another voice in the crowd. They also brought up the point that they do not feel rushed to say their part so that everyone can speak, they just take their time and say everything they have been dying to say. Like we have discussed in class, communication has such an impact on a person’s mental healing process. Since it is easier for this group to communicate amongst each other …show more content…
These people’s lives were ruined because they have a hard time saying no. They lost not only themselves in the process but also their sanity. They also lost the respect, trust, and care from the people most important in their lives. Talking to these complete strangers and confessing their addictions to them is a very hard thing to do, but it shows that they now want to take back control of their life. Going to this meeting also made me see how helpful it can be to just talk to people, the true healing effect of speech. This is considering the fact that they are talking to strangers, I cannot even imagine how much better their lives would be if the people they cared about the most motivated them as much as these strangers do. We tend to forget how powerful our words can be, but even more important, how powerful listening can

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