123 • cesta.01.kaushal
• On May 2, 2013
ATTR :. 8 mins.
Comments/Notes :. Video is Nice
In Nepal it is provided by united concrete.
IPOS:. >AAC are very the future building materials
>They are also available in Nepal
Courtesy :. >
Autoclaved aerated concrete is a versatile lightweight construction material and usually used as blocks. Compared with normal (ie: “dense” concrete) aircrete has a low density and excellent insulation properties.
The low density is achieved by the formation of air voids to produce a cellular structure. These voids are typically 1mm – 5mm across and give the material its characteristic appearance. Blocks typically have strengths ranging from 3-9 Nmm-2 (when tested in accordance with BS EN 771-1:2000). Densities range from about 460 to 750 kg m-3; for comparison, medium density concrete blocks have a typical density range of 1350-1500 kg m-3 and dense concrete blocks a range of 2300-2500 kg m-3.
Autoclaved aerated concrete block with a sawn surface to show the cellular pore structure
(Picture courtesy H+H UK Ltd.)
Detailed view of cellular pore structure in an aircrete block.
Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are excellent thermal insulators and are typically used to form the inner leaf of a cavity wall. They are also used in the outer leaf, when they are usually rendered, and in foundations. It is possible to construct virtually an entire house from autoclaved aerated concrete, including walls, floors – using reinforced aircrete beams, ceilings and the roof. Autoclaved aerated concrete is easily cut to any required shape.
Aircrete also has good acoustic properties and it is durable, with good resistance to sulfate attack and to damage by fire and frost.
Light -weight
Excellent thermal insulation properties