Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He grew up in a middle class Jewish. As a child Einstein enjoyed Music, Math and Science. In 1894 Einstein dropped out of school, and moved to Switzerland. He then attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute. In 1905, Einstein was working in a patent office, where he did some of the most creative work of his life. He produced many articles there, with many groundbreaking discoveries. Einstein become one of the most important scientist / mathematicians of all time, he developed many theories and equations that has broadened our understandings on many subjects. One of Einstein’s most famous finding is his theory of relativity, stating E=Mc2, which meant that nothing has an exact speed, position or momentum in this universe. He helped us understand light and photons, and many daily things we take for granted. Einstein was the beginning to many big discoveries, and even basically created the Atomic bomb. Einstein gave us new understandings and new perspectives on many basic things. Einstein expanded our knowledge of the Universe and created many new fields of science.
Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. As a child Edison was very bright. He started as a child to make and sell his own newspapers, and alongside he would also conduct his own experiments in his self-created lab. He later went to work as a telegraph operator for many years. Edison later in life became fascinated with electricity. Edison went on to invent many things that impacted the world. Edison made things like the incandescent light bulb, the phonogram, movie camera, etc. many simple devices we use today would not be possible without Edison. Most of Edison’s work led to greater inventions in the future. Our daily lives would not be the same if it weren’t for most of Edison’s inventions. There is so many devices and technologies we use to improve our daily life that wouldn’t