TABLE 2: Distribution of Scores
Attitude Categories Score Range Frequency
Very Favorable 117-140
Favorable 93-116 2
Undecided 69-92 13
Unfavorable 45-68 8
Very Unfavorable 20-44
The 13 hypotheses listed in the Literature Review section were statistically tested. Each hypothesis is again listed below along with the statistical results whether the hypothesis was accepted or rejected. The results of the testing are also explained.
H1A: There will be a statistically significant relationship between gender and Franklin Pierce University students’ attitudes towards the Aaron Hernandez murder trial.
This hypothesis was tested with a chi square. The calculated X2 was 8.7. Since this is greater than the Table X2 of 6.655 at .01 level of significance, H1A is accepted. There is a statistically significant relationship between gender and FPU students’ attitudes towards the Aaron Hernandez murder trial. From the X2 statistics (found in Appendix C), it can be seen that more males were favorable towards the Aaron Hernandez trial than females. A t-test was then run to determine if this was significant.
H2: There will be a statistically significant difference between the religious groups Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Jewish, Atheist, and other towards the Aaron Hernandez murder trial. (Tested with analysis variance)
H3: There will be a statistically significant difference between the attitudes of freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors towards the Aaron Hernandez murder trial (tested with the spearman rank order correlation)