The methods has been used to create the research paper are articles and journals to get all necessary information …show more content…
Also, it gives a brief explanation about building a strong political system, which had many positive impacts. Economic growth was the result of strong political system. Also, the journal shows the genealogy of the Abbasids, and shows each one the period that each was the caliph. Also, the author mentioned agriculture growth, taxation system, trading and opening routes with foreign countries. All these accomplishments were a key to spread Islam through out the World. Abdi O. Shuriye is the writer of this journal. He has a PhD degree in social sciences. He teaches in International Islamic Malaysia University, and this journal was published in Roma, Italy. One of the sources is a chapter of the book named, “Chapter 40: Fall of The 'Abbasid Caliphate.” A Part of the book talks about the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate. It mentions how the Mongol invaded the dynasty. The book talks about what factors let the falling of the dynasty after it was recognized as the strongest Islamic period and had been described by the golden age. It explains in details the taking over of the dynasty by the Mongol. The caliphate period ended after Mongol took over. Also, the book …show more content…
“These people were the Mongols or Tartars as called by their contemporaries. Their invasion inflicted more suffering on the human race than any other incident recorded in history. They lived in a wild and primitive state of society. “They are,” says Matthew Paris, “inhuman and beastly, rather monsters than men, thirsty for and drinking blood, tearing and devouring the flesh of dogs and men...They are without human laws.” [5] As reading the description of Mongol invasion of Abbasid empire, especially, when it says how Mongols were thirsty for drinking blood. They wanted to kill people to take over the empire. They were without mercy. Beside the invasion, there were some factors that helped in destroying the dynasty. One of the reasons, they had problems in economics, which is the money outcome decreased and contributed in empire’s decline. “After the caliphate of al-Ma’mun, Abbasid power began to noticeably decline. The cost of running a massive empire and maintaining a large bureaucracy required steady revenues, and as the authority of the caliphate diminished it was able to collect fewer taxes” [7] The empire was shrinking without money. It is impossible to keep the empire strong as it was before without supplement of money to people to