University of Phoenix
Introduction The ABC, Incorporation (Inc.) has provided a workplace that has a friendly environment for all the employees. ABC, Inc., continues to recruit potential employees who are educated and who possess the determination and desire to perform at the highest standards. By doing so, the company will be able to remain successful in the business world. Had Robins consulted an experienced employee for additional solutions he could have avoided this dilemma.
ACB, Inc., recruiter Carl Robins has been with the company for six months. During that time he hired 15 new employees; these employees are scheduled to being their training on June 15. The new hires are to start work in the Operations Department for Supervisor, Monica Carrolls before July. On May 15, Robins guaranteed the Operations Supervisor, Carrolls that everything would be completed on time and that he would be able to conduct the training on the scheduled date. Regrettably, Robins failed to notice that Joe, from the Technology Services Department already had the room reserved for the month of July. In June, Robins discovered a problem when reviewing the applicants’ files; some had documentation missing which needed to be submitted before they reached their hire date. A few of the new hire applications were incomplete because some applicants had not completed the drug screening. Robins discovered the orientation manuals were not complete or were missing pages. Robins contacted Joe from technology services and discovered the training room had been reserved by technology services. Robins had to fine a different location for the training class. Robins also failed to communicate with the experienced employees at ABC, Inc. If Robins had notified the experienced employees about the difficulties he was having organizing the orientation, they might have been able to help him.
Case Study Background The case study does identify several problems