Abnormal Psychology (PSY-280-90-123A) Capstone Evaluation Project
17 June 2013
ABC Therapy Treatment Facility
Fifteen percent of all combat veterans are diagnosed with Mild Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Medication and time are two of the best treatments for Mild PTSD. Thirty Soldiers from Bayne Jones Army Community Hospital (BJACH) located on Fort Polk, LA diagnosed with Mild PTSD will be subjected to combat simulation conditions. The PTSD ABC Therapy will be given to fifteen Soldiers from BJACH who has been screened and cleared to conduct the ABC Therapy training. The other half will not receive the treatment. Both groups will be assessed on the ability to perform basic Soldier skills related to a combat zone. They will execute numerous control required scenarios throughout the three weeks at the ABC Therapy Treatment Center. The Soldiers who received the ABC Therapy are projected to have a lower level of distress than the others Soldiers who did not receive the ABC Therapy in combat scenarios.
PTSD is always caused by a traumatic event. According to the DSM-IV-TR, the general characteristics for PTSD include the presence of emotions such as fear, helplessness, or horror, and other emotions such as guilt and shame are also commonly reported. In addition these individuals have been exposed to a traumatic event and this traumatic event is persistently re-experienced. Individuals who suffer from PTSD also have persistent symptoms of increased arousal which are not present before the trauma. (Beidel, D. C. 2011, pg. 137)
The ABC Therapy Treatment Center is located in Leesville, Louisiana which is right outside Fort Polk (Army Base). This location is optimal to conduct combat related scenarios with volunteer PTSD patients from veterans returning from combat. The mission of ABC Therapy Treatment Center is to show how proper medication and time combine can lower stress amongst patients who suffer from