Back then, lying was a very often used way of getting what you wanted.
Back then, lying was a very often used way of getting what you wanted.
The setting of Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible, conveys a powerful structure of jealousy to the reader’s understanding that Abigail Williams’ decision in concealing her affair with John Proctor will prevent charges of witchcraft on John Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth Proctor. In addition, Abigail William is marked as the lowest in the social pyramid in Salem. Witchcraft gave her instant recognition within Salem which fed her power from within, which led to the circulation of innocent people being indicted with false accusations.…
In “ The Crucible “ Abigail was accused of the Salem Witch Trials and the dreadful hangings because she was always sneaky, mean, dishonesty, and was the one to blame for when stuff happened. "Abby, I may think of you softly from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I'll ever reach for you again”. Abigail tried to kill Elizabeth with a curse in the beginning of the play because she had always wanted to marry John Proctor and she thought that the time was right. Therefore, mainly everyone in the village didn’t trust Abigail because she tried to sneak behind Elizabeth back and tried to set her up for the kill. Abigail was the cause of the Salem Witch Trial all because she fell in love with a married man.…
In The Crucible, Miller demonstrated that it was Abigail’s flaws of lust, dishonesty, and temper that led her to be the most responsible for the tragedy of the witch-hunt in Salem. Throughout the play Abigail displayed these three flaws towards other characters by threating, lying and showing affection. I believe that Abigail is most at fault because she is the one who started all the chaos in Salem by telling a little white lie that later led more and more lies along the way.…
The Salem Witch Trials can be described as a set prosecutions of people who were charged with witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts despite a lack of evidence. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, portrays the catastrophic events that occurred in Salem and their impact on their society. In the play, Abigail Williams is dismissed as the servant of the Proctors due to her affair with the husband, John. Proctor wants to move on after the affair as he states, ‘I may think of you softly from time to time, but I will cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach for you again (1270)”.…
In Salem, Massachusetts in the year of 1692 the Salem witch trials ruined everybody’s lives and ignited all because of Abigail Williams. In the play the “Crucible” which is also known as a severe test, the town of Salem was considered a Crucible. The town was put through hard and controversial times. Abigail’s attachment to John Proctor makes her try to get rid of his wife Elizabeth throughout the entire play. Abigail also even threatens and lies multiple times to people to get what she wants. Abigail is a mean and selfish person that always wants her way no matter who she hurts.…
Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in 1953. He wrote it because he wanted to get his message across. In the 1950’s Arthur Miller was summoned by the House of Committee on un-american activities. He was accused of being a communist. Miller was trying to get his message that the society has turned into a hypocritical society. During the 1950’s the U.S senator John McCarthy was accusing everyone who would be a threat as a communist. Since Arthur Miller was a political advocate who was against the inequalities of race in America and his vocal support of labor and the unions made him a target to John McCarthy. His basic need to respond to a phenomenon which, with only small exaggeration, one could say paralysed a whole generation and in short time dried up the habits of trust and toleration in public discourse. Arthur Miller admitted that The…
We can’t help but to tell a lie here and there. We, as a race, have the tendency to unknowingly tell a tale to save ourselves, others or their feelings. In this particular situation, Abigail Williams was only thinking for herself to avoid the rope.…
The accusation of more than 200 people was mainly caused by a young girl. Abigail Williams was responsible for the witchcraft hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts, 1962. She would be responsible for the imprisonment and execution of innocent people. She did various things that were wrong and affected the lives of so many people. She not only lied on so many persons but she also threatened people to go along with her play.…
"All is fair in love and war"-proverb. People will do anything for love. There is no act that is too bad or too good when going after the loved one. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller takes place in Salem in 1692/93 where Abigail Williams is the main character who acts among an evil intent because she can't be with her "love", John Proctor. She is willing to do anything to get Elizabeth out of the way so that she can fulfil her fantasy of being John's wife. John regrets committing adultery while his wife was sick and rejects Abby. Whereas others once reproached her for her adultery, she now has the opportunity to accuse them of the worst sin of all: devil-worship. The sin is fatal. Abigail manipulates and accuses her way up to increase her credibility to get what she wants.…
The Crucible is a drama that is exciting and intriguing with unforgettable characters. One of the main characters from the play is Abigail Williams, she is complex and at times the reader wonders why she does the things she does. The three adjectives that the reader may use to describe Abigail are selfish, a liar, and a leader. Abigail is one of many interesting characters, and perhaps the most interesting one in The Crucible.…
“Abigail Williams, seventeen, enters – a strikingly beautiful girl, an orphan, with an endless capacity for dissembling. Now she is all worry and apprehension and propriety” (6 Miller). Further, a reader can infer that Abigail is an inquisitive girl and worries for her cousin. Despite that, Abigail‘s role is with her lying; for she can be headstrong. The girl threatened the other dancing girls to not speak a word to anyone about what they did in the forest. Due to the girl’s lies, the town worried that witchcraft was in their midst. Abigail had caused great confusion, and with it, the start if the Salem Witch Trials. Later, Abigail gains support of the court and…
Abigail Williams is known for lying about her affair with John Proctor, but at what cost? To clear everything up, Abigail Williams is a character in the play called “The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller. Within the play’s first scene, Abigail is caught “dancing” in the forest by Reverend Parris, causing her cousin, Betty, to faint. As the scene continues, Rev. Parris starts to question Abigail about what she and Betty were doing, and she lies, saying that they were dancing for sport; the action that night resulted in her going to court to testify her innocence. Abigail, instead of answering questions about her night in the woods, starts to stretch the truth to the court about John Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth, being a witch. She even goes as far as to drink blood as a charm to kill Elizabeth, and plant incriminating evidence against her. As we read the play, we can get a better understanding as to why Abigail went so far to cover up her affair with John Proctor. She wanted her name to be associated with strong and respectable, although why would a person go to such lengths just for a name?…
Don't lie to hail she comes to me while I sleep she's always making me dream corruptions."page 1091" The crucible is in the astonishing play about the history of Salem and witchcraft. This play is a story from past time, Abigail Williams is a huge part of this play because of her scheming ways to put people to death as you can see from the previous quote I listed, this was one of her many lies. Many different people play a role in the Salem deaths but Abigail started all and kept playing it off until she killed in abundant amount. Abigail is responsible for numerous deaths that occurred during this time. Due to her falsely accusing goody Proctor, threatening the girls to take part in her lies, and her admission to guilt by leaving Salem. Abigail is most to blame as a result of her extremely persuasive ways that involve threats towards the rest of the girls which made them start blaming people for witchcraft and they lied about all the things that they were accused of.…
“Watching a compulsive liar scramble to damage control when the truth and secrets unfold, knowing that they’re hurting others, makes them inconceivably shameful.” This quote is a good definition to describe Abigail Williams morals and how she lives as a person. Abigail Williams is a character from the famous book, The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Malicious, psychotic, and manipulative are a couple of the many words that can describe Abigail Williams to more than an extent. She has no actual morals, she just thinks about herself, what she wants, and what she can say or do that will benefit her. Abigail lies, manipulates, and due to her selfish ways, her false testimonies, sent over twenty people to death, jail, because of her love for john…
One of the main characters of the play The Crucible, Abigail Williams, is the most spiteful and least complex character throughout the entire play. She is the villain of the play, even more than Parris or Danforth. She is on the lower end of the social hierarchy; the only people below her were slaves like Tituba. Abigail Williams possess wicked character traits that give her a negative perception. She is a jezebel figure who lacks feelings, an immoral character who lacks ethics and a manipulative person who lacks a conscience.…