In Act II, Abigail had manipulated the town, court and her friends over the desire to get Goody Proctor hanged and take her place.The text states “Abigail brings the other girls into court and where she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel(pg 488). This shows that Abigail had lied to …show more content…
The text states “ Proctor. I have known her,sir.I have known her. Danforth. You-you are a lecher(pg 519).”This shows that John knew he had to confessed his sin to convince Danforth that the trials are fraud. In Act IV, John was refusing to give up the confession because it will hurt his good name.The text states “ DANFORTH: Why? Do you mean to deny this confession when you are free?PROCTOR: I mean to deny nothing!DANFORTH: Then explain to me, Mr. Proctor, why you will not let -PROCTOR,
: Because it is my name.(pg 538).” This shows that John does not want his name to be use for a lie. In Act II, John was devoted to make Elizabeth happy again after she found out he had an affair with Abigail. The text states “ If the crop is good I’ll buy George Jacob’s heifer. How would that please you(pg 487).” This shows that John feels guilty about having an affair with Abigail so he is trying to find a way for Elizabeth to forgive him.
John and Abigail’s affair causes Abigail to fall love with him and wanting to kill his wife. She wanted to kill Goody Proctor so she can take her place and live happily with John Proctor. This caused John Proctor to confess that he committed adultery so he can prove that the trials are fraud and also prove that his wife is