The disorders I have come across in my life where something I didn’t know of until I took this class. The first one I ever remember noticing was Trichitillomania. Trichitillomania is defined as repetitive hair pulling that results in noticeable hair loss. I had a friend named John when I was young. He was my four year old neighbor who just moved in with his grandma because his mom was sick. A few months later I noticed that he had a few bald spots right above his forehead. It never bothered me or made me curious enough to ask questions. But taking this class had opened my eyes to seeing that my friend had Trichitillomania. I asked my older sister about it, who has a Masters in Psychology, and she told me that his mom had died around then and going through such anxiety caused him to start pulling on his hair. The Last one I know of is a long time neighbor. I don’t know him personally but I know of him. He was known as the neighborhood drunk, pervert or Crazy Tony. As I was growing up I would be looking out my window and seeing him stumbling down the street late