The word abnormal literally means “away from the normal”. It implies deviation from some defined norms. Abnormal behavior is a behavior that deviates from soceity 's norms. Conversely, behavior cannot be considered abnormal as long as soceity accepts it.
Abnormal behavior is always bizarre. The term abnormal covers a wide spectrum of behaviors. Sel-defeating or maladaptive behaviors are causes of concern, but they can be well within the bounds of ordinary human experience.
Former mental patients are unstable and dangerous. The common belief is that mental disorders are essentially “incurable”. As a consequence, former mental patients are often viewed with suspicion as being unstable and possibly dangerous.
Mental disorder is something to be ashamed of. Many are often reluctant to visit a psychologist or a psychiatrist when they have a psychological problem or to consult the same when someone in the family is exhibiting abnormal behaviors.
Maladaptive- interefers with optimal functioning and growth. Behavior cannot be considered “abnormal” so long as the soceity accept it.
1. Biological. This viewpoint emphasizes various organic conditions that can impair brain functioning and lead to psychopathology.
2. Psychoanalytic. This viewpoint is concerned primarily with stressful situations that involve a threat to the individual and therefore elicit anxiety. Which in turn functions as both a warning and an unpleasant condition demanding alleviation.
3. Behavioristic. This viewpoint sees faulty learning as the key cause of psychopathology. Behaviorist assume that maladaptive behavior is the result of either the failure to learn necessary adaptive behaviors or the learning of maladaptive behaviors.
4. Humanistic and Existential. This viewpoint considers blocked of distorted personal
References: McMahon Frank, B. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville McMahon Judith, W. Lindenwood College Garcia Dennis Dindo L. Bachelor of Science in Psychology, UP; Master of Arts in Education-Teaching Special Education, SWU Benemeritus ( Magna Cum Laude ); Master of Arts in Psychology USC, FAFE Scholar; Chair Social and Beahavioral Science Department SWU; Lifetime Member and Director for Region 7, Association of Social Science Educators, Reasercher and Trainors ( Ass. ERT ) Inc.