Animal testing should be banned because inaccurate science is often involved. As stated by the Food and Drug Administration, 92% of tests that have not affected or or had a positive effect on animals were dangerous or ineffective for humans. In addition, …show more content…
Often, as stated by PETA, animals are force-fed poison, are injected with products that could have a negative effect on the skin, have to inhale gases with terrible side effects, are forced to apply products to their eyes, and are isolated for long periods of time. All these experiments are commonly endured in animal testing. Picture this: Loki the bunny is born into the world, small and precious, not knowing what is going to happen to him in the future. He is going to be outright tortured so humans could use a shampoo product with confirmation. Through the process, he is force-fed shampoo and is forced to get the shampoo into his eye. Afterwards, he is left in a cage isolated from any other animal until his death arrives. This short story is the process done to about 5% of animals worldwide. Animals should not be treated like this, which is why animal testing should be banned.
With all of this evidence, there are several reasons to abolish animal testing. The main reasons are because animal testing uses imprecise science in an uncontrolled experiment, requires a high cost of animals and money along with it being ineffective, and animal testing is simply immoral. This should be a call for boycotting any product, like medicines and shampoos, tested by animals. This will reduce the purpose of animal testing, so that the experimenters and company wanting to do the testing will reduce the use of animal