Saving money is a big reason for disencumbering sports from schools. Any school district that has sports and has many fields of sports, pays twenty thousand dollars on field maintenance alone by canceling athletics, that money is saved and used to better the schools (Ripley 11). Also if the labs are infested or contaminated the school will have enough money to repair them to continue the science class (Ripley
11). This shows that the money could be used to better the schools. Clearly, it is important to save money for the schools by canceling athletics.
In addition to saving money, schools can give more time to students to study at night. Without sports games and practices, children can focus more on school work (Ripley 11). As Nathan from Premont says,“ There was so much extra time” he also said,“You never get behind on your work” (Ripley 11). Children like him will not get behind on work and will have more time to study. Clearly, it is important to cancel school athletics in order to give pupils more time to study.
Saving money is a great reason for canceling sports at academic facilities, but, increased graduation rates is another. Before sports at Premont were exterminated, only fifty percent of students passed their class because of the sports at the school (Ripley 11). After athletics were abolished, eighty percent of students passed their classes (Ripley 11). This is proof that schools should abort sports. Certainly, the extermination of athletics is critical to the graduation rates at schools.
After the evident reasons of preserving money, increased graduation rates and extra study time, it is easy to say that sports need to be canceled. The fact that most students pass their classes with canceled sports is proof that they need to be canceled. It is easy to say that saving money, higher graduation rates, and more study time are perfect reasons to cancel sports.