The analysis for experiment four: Stoi 903was conducted by Me (name) and my partner (name). They analysis performed for experiment four: Stoi 903 took place at Texas State University- San Marcos in room 117 of the chemistry building. The concentrations used in the experiment were both .5 M sodium hypochlorite and sodium thiosulfate. The concentrations of the solutions found in the dumpster were calculated to be .806 M (both sodium hypochlorite and sodium thiosulfate as well). This was found by taking the 6.0% (by mass) sodium hypochlorite and multiplying it by 1 gram of solution, 1000 mL and 1 mol NaClO. This result was then divided by the result of 100g of solvent, multiplied by 1 mL of solution and 1L which equals 60g NaClO. 60g was then divided by the molar mass of NaClO (74.44) which equals .806 mol NaClO. The same can be done for sodium thiosulfate which results in the same molarity.…
Anti-abortionists often refer to abortion as, ' the intentional killing of unborn babies', and see it as an evil deed, committed only by those who do not appreciate the value of human life. Although, it seems that, in many cases it is quite the opposite. In cases such as one night stands, rape or underage pregnancies, mothers often tend to choose abortion with the fear that they cannot give their child the life they deserve. These pregnancies are unwanted, accidental even. The mother does not plainly wish to kill her child for selfish reasons, but…
I learned that one excuse people use to justify is rape. Well I looked the statistics up and two to five percent of rape victims end up pregnant, and that is if they go and report the crime so a doctor can clean them out with a rape kit. And if this is the situation then they can simply give the baby to someone who does want kids like my aunt and many other women who would and will love the baby. When I read in high detail this next part I could not stop crying, because of the horror of it all and the evil that a person must be, to do this. Pro-choice never explains to anyone about the “fetus” moving around trying to get away from the instruments doctors’ use when they perform an abortion. The doctors that do this for a living and know the practice like the back of their hand never tell women about the baby pushing away from the probes they use while murdering them or the way the baby fights with all the strength he has until his death. This is how bad our society has gotten, because the mother’s womb is supposed to be the safest place for a child. Well even in there some babies are faced with the fear of their innocent…
Canada has a history with the controversial issue of abortion. The two sides to this topic have strong opinions about the right and wrong decisions when it comes to abortion. One might believe that abortion should not exist in Canadian society. These people are most likely known as pro-life; who believe abortion is equal to murder. Others believe that abortion is a good thing, and has had a strong impact on Canadian society. These people are pro-choice, they believe abortion is a way to help an individual's life for the better. The R.v. Morgentaler case was about two men, including Morgentaler who were licensed physicians, they set up a private clinic providing abortion services to women who did not have the necessary approval and they were criminally charged. The R.v. Morgentaler case made a significant impact on Canadian society; more broadly this case impacted the women of Canada by granting women greater equality rights, giving them a healthier along with a safe lifestyle, and it got rid of illegal acts made by doctors.…
The Wake County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC), in fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, has completed the activities required to develop this County Plan for FY 2008/2009. The JCPC has identified issues and factors that have an influence and impact upon delinquent youth, atrisk youth, and their families in Wake County. Further, the JCPC has identified strategies and services most likely to reduce/prevent delinquent behavior. JCPC Action Plan: An Action Plan to impact delinquent behavior (included in this document) has been developed. With the goals, measurable objectives and corresponding outcomes, the JCPC proposes to prevent or reduce delinquent behavior in Wake County youth. Priorities for Funding: Through a risk & needs assessment and a resource assessment, the JCPC has determined that the following services are needed to reduce/prevent delinquency in Wake County: Major service gaps identified by the Wake County JCPC…
Every woman should have the opportunity to determine if they would want to keep their child or abort it. Growing up in today’s society, I find myself in an environment where kids are having kids, parents who aren’t capable to raise a child are having kids, and victims of sexual assault are having kids. And in most cases, the child ends up living a life that isn’t too well. This leads to children being neglected, abused, homeless, hungry and more importantly unloved. Imagine a woman not being allowed to have an abortion. Abortions eliminate the risks of all of those tragedies happening. The problem shouldn’t be killing an egg that isn’t fully yet involved into a baby. The problem should be having children but later neglecting or mistreating them to the point where they can’t be a happy child. Sometimes you hear parents saying, “I wish I would have waited.” or even worse “I don’t think I can do this.” For a lot of pregnancies, they aren’t planned. If we don’t allow for abortions to continue to be legal that simply means we are allowing for unfit parents to have kids and by doing this we are failing our children. I was taught to eliminate a problem before it escalates or before it becomes too late. We often hear stories about parents harming their children because the child might have cried too much or whined too much. Why should the child have to suffer? Why should a child be harmed in the first place? We can’t justify abortions not being legal. I feel that a human is born. Until then, you should be allowed to make the decision on whether or not you want to abort your child until it is too late. It’s a women’s right. A father can run away from his child but the mother will be there forever. The grandma might not care or the uncle might not be there but the mother will always be around. When we actually think about it, abortion isn’t as bad as we make it seem. It’s simply an alternative for a lifestyle that a person is trying to…
Based on your own experience, relevant websites, and the information found in your textbook, describe American students by answering the questions below. Does this description match your own educational experience? Why or why not?…
A woman feels that she has authority to do what she wants with her body. Some of these women feel that they are not ready to take on the role of motherhood, have the financial means to raise the child, or have the support by a spouse or family members. In other cases, rape or incest resulted in a pregnancy that was not done willingly by the woman involved. These sets of women are those who look at abortion as a sense of redemption from the situation that they were put in. In other words, a quick fix is something they’re in search of. In the eyes of our society, it is stated that is just as much of the woman’s fault as is the man’s because they feel women contribute to the possibility of being raped whether it be by the way they dress or the environment they put their selves in. Victims in this situation feel as if they are at fault and put all the blame upon them which raises the chances of an…
1. When romantic love is used as a criterion for selecting a spouse physical beauty is a factor. What are two other reasons for selecting a spouse?…
a) Compare the ways in which Natural law and Utilitarianism might be applied to abortion. (25 marks)…
Attempts to obtain an abortion are much more difficult for minors than for their adult counterparts due in part to laws and restrictions that regulate the consent and notification of a minor's parents. Thirty-four states require some form of parental involvement in a minor's decision to have an abortion. The laws are intended to foster parent-child relationships, protect the rights of parents, and deter young women from obtaining abortions or becoming pregnant in the first place, but research casts doubt on whether the laws have their intended effect, and Supreme Court rulings allow minors some privacy rights regarding obtaining an abortion.…
Women all over the world should have the right to a safe, legal, and accessible abortion (Lee, 2007). Pro choice groups agree that it’s the women’s right to decide whether or not to bring a child into this world is a personal matter and we shouldn’t try to interfere with her right to choose. Statistics have should that when abortion is made illegal and inaccessible to women, she would turn to every unsafe procedure in order to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Women may attempt to induce miscarriages or will try to self terminate the pregnancy by using home remedies. If this happens complications may include inflammation, hemorrhaging, kidney failure, infertility complications, and may also result in death. Each year it has been estimated that 78,000 deaths occur due to homemade abortions. In the cases of rape or incest, forcing a woman who got pregnant in a violent act would cause more psychological damage to them. In these types of cases, abortion is best option which will allow the victim to not bring a child into this world which was conceived through a violent crime.…
Nijashree Shah ! Yr 10 Miss MGG Year 10 ReligionPersonal Moral Responsibility Part A:Response to Article In the article ‘Doctor investigated for refusing abortion’ published in The Sydney Morning Herald, on the 7th of October 2013, deals with the moral issue of abortion and sex selection. Abortion meaning the action of deliberately terminating of a human pregnancy, in…
Unintended pregnancies and abortions are common among all social classes and women of all ages. “It’s her body it's her choice”, this argument is used by every pro-choice. However should it be her choice to have her unborn child be slaughtered? It might be her body, still it's not like she doesn’t have other options, she chose to have sex and now she doesn’t want to face the consequences. Contraceptives are fairly accessible to obtain, condoms can be bought at almost any store, and birth control is an easy prescription to obtain for anyone of a mature age. Now I’m not talking about the girl who had been raped, or the mother whose life is endangered. I am referring to the ones who use abortion as a form of birth control. Millions are not alive…
It prohibited states from banning abortion to protect the fetus before the third trimester of a pregnancy, and it ruled that even during that final trimester, a woman could obtain an abortion if she could prove that her life or health would be endangered by carrying the term”. This ruling gave woman the ability to make a decision of aborting a child based on their own rights and beliefs. Abortion is developed by both the progressive and conservative side. Gordon definitely feel it is woman’s right to decide if she has a valid reason to abort child. Although she feels it is the woman’s right deciding this issue, the concern of whether it is a valid reason or not is a major issue? Without doubt, if woman is raped she believes abortion is right choice, but on the other hand she thinks it is unmoral reason to abort. The most important point she makes is stating, “The moral discussion of abortion centers on the issue of whether or not abortion is an act of murder. At first glance it would seem that the answer should follow directly upon two questions: Is the fetus human? And is it alive?” These two questions can only be answered based on opinion. If you are an extremely religious individual you are probably more likely to say an abortion is murder. As for the less conservative citizens abortion is seen less as an act of sin. For example as Mary Gordon states “Our ritual and religious practices underscore the fact that we make distinctions among fetuses. If a woman took the bloody matter-indistinguishable from a heavy period-of an early miscarriage and insisted upon putting it in a tiny coffin and marking its grave, we would have serious concerns about her mental health.” This is a very true statement. When woman we know have a miscarriage it is unlikely for them to be destroyed. It is an unfortunate occurrence but not a wrong doing that causes heartache. The discussion of miscarriage and deciphering at what point someone can declare a fetus human, is one of the…