A woman with a voice is one with the choice
A deliberate or induced abortion occurs when a pregnancy is forcefully terminated as a result of surgery. The debate about abortion has been a hot topic for a very long time. There are two extremes. The pro-choice, or the people that think abortion should be allowed, and the pro-life, or the people who believe abortion is murder and it should not be allowed. Then there are some people who would allow abortion in some specific cases. Pro-life advocates are usually associated with religious people because many religions look down on abortion. Many of these people are so committed to their religion that they are blinded by it. They don’t see all the advantages that abortion has; …show more content…
The emotional pain that comes with having a child with defects is something very hard. Many people consider this to be insensitive and cruel but that fact of the matter is that many of these people have no idea what it’s like to have to take care of a child 24/7. These children require special care, which include high rocketing medical bills, and special attention that some parents are just not able to give. Many mothers’ work every day and don’t have the time to take care of a child with defects and they don’t have the money to pay someone to do so or to pay the medical expenses necessary for their child to live a happy and healthy …show more content…
In 1973 the United States Supreme Court extended the privacy clause under the 14th Amendment to a woman’s decision to have an abortion. This landmark decision was historical. It was a case that lasted for months. The constant back and forth, the protests, and the extremists were unbearable. Before Roe, around 200,000 and 1.2 million illegally induced abortions occurred every year. Of theses, between 5,000 and 10,000 died from this and many others had physical and psychological effects. These women died because they were going to unsanitary and unsafe illegal abortion clinics. Some even went to even more dangerous extremes to not have a baby like using a hanger to terminate their pregnancy. It’s not fair that many women had to result to these types of solutions just to get what they want: their right to decide what happens with their body. If they are going to do it either way, they might as well have the right resources to be able to do it. In 1975 the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences conducted a study in which they declared that “legislation and practices that permit women to obtain abortions in proper medical surroundings will lead to fewer deaths and a lower rate of medical complications than restrictive legislations and practices.” This study was very influential and many pro-choice used it to back up their