Abortion is one of the many ethical issue today involving human judgment. There are different viewpoints on this issue based on different ethical theories and perspectives. Now a day many people have become pro choice, allowing people to have abortion base don their own while but this also depends on the country. Many religious based countries or states like Saudi Arabia and Egypt are still pro life on this issue, not allowing abortion. To discuss this issue and analysis the case study of the polish doctor Mr. Chazan, we have to first answer the question of if the fetus is a human being with rights and self awareness or not. Answering this question can be quite difficult because there has not been a proof that the fetus is a human being with rights and self-consciousness. According to an article by …show more content…
There is always an ongoing debate whether or not a doctor did right for refusing abortion procedure done on patient. The different groups, pro-life and pro-choice have indeed presented strong beliefs as to why abortion is right or wrong. This has only increased conflicts in making a decision concerning the issue of abortion. Also, religion beliefs on when life starts make it even more difficult to defend the pro-choice stance. It has seemed as though that taking a pro-choice stand would seems as taking the liberal side which would go against religion. While taking the pro-life stance would seem as taking the conservative side which would go against decisions set by Supreme Court. It all boils down to that fact that there would always be a group of conflict in what stance is taken. At the end of it, the aim is to understand that people would always have different opinions we just have to learn how to respect that, and also respect the duty of ones professional and principles under that