Abortion is a social problem that affects women, bears the physical and mental problems, in the world there are many stigma on the subject. As we know abortion is the termination of pregnancy, as a result the fetus can’t develop an independent life; therefore the baby won’t be able to live for provoked causes. It is said that abortion up to three months, it may be spontaneously, but if you exceed this period of time, there is more probabilities that the reason of the abortion was incited. Every year just about 42 million women around the world abort. what should be done to reduce abortion, is a good sexual education to children at a pre-puberty stage, we must be aware that there are condoms or birth control, perhaps for many is a way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, it is also a way of avoiding pregnancy and for this reason there won’t be an abortion at all.
In the nineteenth century where it was banned to protect women from surgical interventions, in those days they were not exempt from risk, in the only situation in which this practice was allowed; was when the mother 's life was in danger or when there were risks of maternal health. The law that the abortions could be made by will; it was legalized first in post-revolutionary Russia in 1920, and subsequently allowed in Japan and some countries of Eastern Europe after World War II. At the end of the 1960 impunity of abortion spread too many countries. Changes infanticide and maternal mortality associated with illegal abortions, global overpopulation, and the rise of the feminist movement where the reasons for legal changes.
In all this controversy, it is strongly influenced by the Church, that for believers, abortion has been handled much as a sin, the act of "killing an innocent life." For many people killing someone means to take his life away, and this starts at birth; what this means is that since the baby wasn’t born yet, you haven’t killed anyone, but there is no
Cited: * The Emotional Effects of Induced Abortion. Katharine McCormick Library and the Education Division of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Page plannedparenthood.org (2012) * Possible Emotional Side Effects. American Pregnancy Association. Page americanpregnancy.org (Oct. 2007) * "Feminist History." Feminists for Life of America. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jun 2012. <http://www.feministsforlife.org/history/foremoth.htm>. * Harsanyi, D.. "Abortion, religion, and science." reason.com. Reason Magazine, 2011. Web. 18 Jun 2012. <http://reason.com/archives/2011/01/26/abortion-religion-and-science>. * . N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jun 2012. http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/p3s1c2a3.htm#1930 ENG 105 EXPOSITORY WRITTING PROFESSOR: FILIPPA MODESTO STUDENT: SEBASTIAN REINA RESEARH ESSAY