Well to be honest that is just bull crap. You’re pregnant because of your decision to have unprotected sex. Own up to that don’t kill a child because you’re scared. Also there is always adoption. If you can’t raise a child, there is always a couple who can’t have children and will take and love that baby. Abortion also costs a lot of money, and if you can’t afford medical bills to have the baby, how are gonna afford to have an abortion. Then there is rape. I get it if a twelve year old gets raped and they are too young to carry a child. But I know a woman who had her child at fifteen, and yeah it was tough but they are both still alive today and doing just fine. Rape sucks, but you shouldn’t have to kill a child because of it.
God has a plan for each and every person that he makes, by having an abortion people are throwing that all away. What if that kid was made up to be the next president, or the next Beyonce. One mistake can change our life, and abortion is one of them.
In conclusion, abortion should be banned. Abortion is murder, and murdering is not right, whether, it's a twelve week year old baby, to a thirty year old man. In anywhere murder is not ok, but why is it ok with a baby. With the process of abortion, and the changes it can have to society, I don’t get why the government still has is legal. I am pro life, life is a gift,