The title of the second article is "Abortion is Immoral" by John Paul II. This article objects abortion in the belief that it is a crime which kills an innocent human being and also against all Christian belief that abortion could be of any good regardless of circumstances.
Abortion is a pro-choice decision which allows children to be born into homes which they will be loved and cared for. Abortion also gives the right to parents to decide whether that child is wanted so that he/she will not suffer from childhood abuse or parental neglect. Abortion gives parents a choice to terminate a pregnancy if they are not financially stable to support that child at that particular time in their lives. Abortion is immoral on the basis that it kills an innocent human being. Abortion is viewed as immoral by many people because it kills a life that has done no wrong but be conceived by two people who are incapable of providing, whether it is emotional or financial, needs for that child. Abortion is a pro-choice decision and should be based upon whether that child is wanted so that he/she or parent(s) will not suffer parental abuse or neglect, medical problems, or financial instability. An opinion stated in the belief that abortion is a moral choice, was that abortions could reduce the number of criminals who suffer from child hood neglect or parental abuse. Abortion is not a solution to reducing the number of criminals in the world that suffer from neglect or abuse. It is not okay for one to make a decision to abort a human life with the excuse such as reducing the number of criminals suffering from abuse. Some people, in Christian belief view abortion as an "intentional murder".
References: John Paul II. "Abortion is Immoral." Opposing Viewpoints: Abortion. Ed. Tamara L. Roleff. SanDiego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thompson Gale. Apollo Group. 19 Aug. 2007 Morgentaler, Henry. "Abortion Is a Moral Choice." At Issue: The Ethics of Abortion. Ed. Jennifer A. Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Apollo Group. 19 Aug. 2007 http://find.