Women face all kinds of risks when they undergo an abortion ranging from mental to physical consequences. Infections and haemorrhaging are only but two minor complications. Some major side effects of abortions are "infection, excessive bleeding, tearing of the uterus, embolism, convulsions, cervical injury, and endotoxic shock" (Reardon 2). Long term complications ranging from the latter are not unheard of such as infertility from repeated abortions which can damage the fallopian tubes (Reardon 2) and more potential for miscarriages in future pregnancies.
Persons only associate physical consequences with abortion but the psychological toll is there. It is documented medically as well as socially. Take the case of the Indian soap opera “Pavitra Rishta” where one of the female characters opted to have an abortion. She, the story line goes, is now sterile, and has transferred all her motherly affection to her sister’s infant, creating a host of storyline complications. Many women, even with pre abortion and post abortion counselling face such issues. They develop feelings of hatred for self which can lead to depression and which has
Cited: Guernsey, Joann Bren. Abortion: Understanding the Controversy. New York: Learner Pub, 1993. Reardon, David C. “Psychological Reactions reported after abortions”. The Post-Abortion Review, 2(3):4-8, Fall 1994.