In today’s society, abortion is a very important topic in politics. Right now, President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney are running for presidency. I think that the view on abortion for these two candidates will be very important in this election. One reason I think this is because “In an October Gallup poll, most Americans identified abortion as an important issue in the coming election. Forty-five percent said that it will become one of the many factors that will affect their voting” (Zaimov, 2012). One case dealing with abortion was Roe v. Wade. “In 1973, women achieved victory when the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that women had a legal right to abortion. The 1989 Court ruling in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, which placed restrictions on that right, resulted in resurgence of involvement in the women’s right movement” (Giddens, Duneier, Applebaum, & Carr, 2011, p. 373). So as you can see, this could be a deciding factor for the voters. In this paper, I will describe Obama’s views and plans for abortion and will describe Romney’s views and plans for abortion. In my opinion, pro-choice is better than pro-life.
Obama has a very interesting view on abortion. Obama “has revealed himself to be a strong supporter of the pro-choice position and maintains that it is a woman's right to choose what happens with her body” (Zaimov. 2012). He does claim to be a Christian but it is interesting that he views abortion this way; although, he does find it wrong but thinks we shouldn’t be able to make the choice for women whether or not they should keep their baby. A big company that deals with abortion is Planned Parenthood. If re-elected he still plans on opposing anything that might stop the funding for this company. They help women get the birth control they need, abortions but also to help you get the treatment you need for STD’s and such. He will plan on letting women make their own choice with what