Lives are taken away from helpless children every day
Some do not even get the chance to take their first breath
This should not happen
Life is an amazing gift, so why take it away from a helpless child? Despite all the emotional damage a mother could have, what about a failed aborted child? How would he/she feel, if known they were an attempted abortion? Abortion is murder and should be considered illegal
The most common type of abortion is Suction Aspiration Abortion, and also called Menstrual Abortion
This abortion is used for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy . The mother is given general or local anesthetic
Then the cervical muscle is stretched open and a hollow plastic tube is placed inside
A suction machine is turned on and sucks out everything in the womb
The bones of the helpless, unborn child have not developed or hardened
The placenta is scraped from the walls of the womb and placed inside a jar with the contents of the baby.
This act of violence is murder
According to the article “Abortion” on the website Our Bodies Our Selves, the percentage for aspiration abortion is about
Koonce 2 72%
Another form of abortion is Dilation and Curettage Abortion
This abortion is performed in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy just like the Suction
Aspiration Abortion. The baby and the placenta are scraped out of the womb with a loop shaped knife and placed inside a basin. The same concept as the other, but used with a different instrument. It does not matter how the abortion is performed, this is all considered the same thing, murder.
RU486 and Methotrexate is used five to nine weeks of pregnancy. It is a pill taken orally by the mother of the unborn baby. They are 90 to 95% effective in the abortion process. The way this harmful drug works is the nutrients are getting cut off from the helpless baby. This process will cause starvation