The seventh reason I am here to persuade you about is abortion is bad for women because it is a form of racism against poor and ethnic women. Today Planned Parenthood identifies its core clients as young women, low-income women and women of color. Black and Hispanic women represent only a quarter of American women of child-bearing age. Legalized abortion doesn’t help poor women, after their abortion they are still poor. The eight and last reason is abortion is bad for women because it has led to increase violence against pregnant women. According to one study of battered women, the target of battery during their pregnancies shifted from their face and breasts to their pregnant abdomens, which suggests hostility toward the women’s fertility. Women are literally being killed for refusing to abort. The leading cause of death during pregnancy is homicide. I hope by doing this speech, I have persuaded you to see this my way and not have abortions and not to make someone else have an abortion.
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