One of the most constant battles our society faces is the issue of abortion. It is a controversial issue that continues to create tension and diversion among our culture. But what makes abortion such an emotional and personal conflict? Often time people aren’t fully aware of what takes place in the process of aborting a fetus. Let’s take a look at what abortion is and what makes it so controversial. By understanding what an abortion is and the different viewpoints of society, one will acquire a better idea of where they stand on this issue and how it can be relevant in one’s life.
So what is abortion? Abortion is the termination of unwanted pregnancy by destruction of the fetus. There are two different types of abortion; there is the pill and in-clinic procedure. Although both methods are destructive, one is often neglected to be recognized due to its severity. Our society seems to turn a blind eye towards the reality of what happens in an in-clinic abortion. The truth is that in-clinic abortions happen just as much and are irrefutably demoralizing. The most devastating abortion is the in-clinic procedure where the doctor performs either a Suction-aspiration or a Dilatation and Curettage. Both of which are dangerous and revolting. Heritage House Literature provides a great deal of abortion facts that help explain what happens in each method of abortion. The Suction-aspiration is often done within the first three months of a pregnancy. In this abortion the womb is stretched wide and abortionist use long cylindrical rods which he inserts into the cervical opening as it stretches the cervix wide enough. Then he inserts a hollow plastic tube that has a knife edge through the cervix, the suction is 29 times more powerful than a vacuum cleaner and the baby is torn into pieces and sucked into a canister (Abortion as Your Option - Heritage House Literature).
The other form of in-clinic abortion is Dilatation and Curettage, in this type of abortion a
Cited: Cole, Lloyd. My Baby, My Body, My Choice. Maidenhead: Cromwell P, 1992. Davis, John. Abortion and the Christian. Philllipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Company, 1984. Simon, Rita J. Abortion; Statutes, Policies, and Public Attitudes the World Over. Wesport, Connecticut:Praeger, 1998.