About Google
Google is the largest, fastest and most accurate search engine that provides search results to millions of its users all around the world. Millions of people use it daily in more than hundred languages and have come to regard as Google and internet as one. Google reliably provides free information for everyone who seeks it. Unlike most companies where the managers try to think of ways to make money and then create products, Google is a place where technologists think first of ways to solve problems and only then they think how to monetize them. The most important technological advantages that distinguishes Google from its competitors is that its employees assemble and customize all of the personal computers the company used to carry out searches and follow the mantra of “cheaper faster better”. Google was started by two guys named Sergey Brin and Larry Page while they were studying PhD at Stanford University. One of the important reasons for formation of Google was that the best search engines at that time like Alta Vista and Excite did not provide accurate and relevant results and made users frustrated. When Google was launched it became so successful that within five years of its launch both its owners became billionaires. In this way Brin and Page by sheer intelligence, hard work and technology converted their PhD research project into multibillion dollar company. The important quality of Larry and Sergey that separates them from their peers is that even though successful they are not satisfied with their present state and always have the hunger to find means and ways of expanding their company by innovations and increasing their data base. Presently the two of the most compelling areas that Google and its founders are quietly working on are the promising fields of molecular biology and genetics.
Larry met Sergey in spring of 1995 while studying PhD at Stanford University. Larry came from mid-west while Sergey and his family migrated from Russia when
References: Vise David A : The Google Story , 2005
Hans J. Thamhain : Management of Technology , 2005
Liker Jeffrey k : The Toyota Way , 2004