Dr.Prabir Dutta
A dairy plant having the capacity of handling 2000 litres of milk per day was established at Lahirimohanpur,in the district of Pabna(now Sirajgang district) established in the year 1946.The name of the organization was National Nutrients Co.Ltd. with the target to sell the processed milk and milk products in Kolkata(India) as the city had railway link.But the idea could not be materialized due to the partition of India during independence in the year 1947.Afterwards Eastern Milk Products Ltd.emerged under the brand name of “MilkVita”with the dairy products viz.milk,butter and ghee(boiled milk fat)etc under private ownership.In year 1965 first “Eastern milk producers’co-operative society Union Ltd” was formed by the Government patronization.But the economic condition of the organization did not stable and there was no alternative but to hand it over to Co-operative Marketing Society.
The project envisaged the purchase of milk from the individual poor,marginal and landless milk producing farmers under the fold of Primary Milk Producer’s Co-operative Societies with fair price and guaranteed market,transportation service of the milk to the rural plants for preliminary processing and onward transportation to the main production plants for final processing of market milk and other products with the brand name”MilkVita”.
In the year 1972,soon after independent Bangladesh FAO,UNDP and DANIDA provided technical and financial assistance to establish a sustainable co-operative dairy development programme.At initial level involved 4300 very poor and landless households in remote rural areas and provided complete package of milk production enhancing technologies,rural skill and capacity for milk collection,processing,marketing system.Thus the two tier milkvita co-operative dairy complex has
References: A strategy for Dairy Development in Bangladesh,Dr.V.Kurien,Chairman,NDDB,India,UNDP/FAO,April,1987. Dairy scenario of West Bengal ,Dr.R.K.Misra,National Dairy Research Institute,Eastern Regional Station,Kalyani,West Bengal MilkVita-the National Dairy Co-operative venture for economic development,Md.Nasim Ali Mandal,Deputy General Manager(Operation),BMPCUL,Bangladesh