Pretty revolutionary for 1987.
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The is one of the first handwriting-recognition tablets. By using it's stylus, you could write on the green screen.
Pretty revolutionary for 1987.
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Tablet computers, also known as tablets, are a unique piece of technology. The tablet has all the perks of a laptop computerand all of the mobility of a mobile phone. Tablets were first introduced as a project in the year 1987 and the productions came immediately after. The rest is history. The first tablet ever made(according to recorded history) is the Linus Write-Top in the year 1987. This was the first hand writing recognizable tablet. By using the stylus provided you were able to write on the green screen of the tablet. It weighed in at 9 pounds and was priced at approximatey $2800. This is the grandfather of all things tablet. The first breakthrough occured when a guy by the name of Bill Gates decided to crack at the tablet industry. It wasnt a best seller and it didnt really make a splash but the features it included were upgraded. He may have changed the life of tablets. Steve Jobs also made a living off of the tablet, with his own version called the iPAD. As of today the original iPAD has sold over 100 million total and still growing. Tablet computers have become very popular over the last few years. As a result there are now a lot of manufacturers who make them. This means that you have to know what to look for when you are buying a tablet. Knowing which features are the most important helps. The most important feature of a tablet is the touch screen. This is how you will use the tablet for the most part so you want to make sure that you get one that has a really good