Will Freeman is one of the protagonists in the novel ’About a boy’ by Nick Hornby. Through the novel Will experiences a change from a carefree, selfish and superficial single guy to a sensitive, understanding and loving man in a relationship. In the beginning of the novel Will is 36 years old and lives alone in a luxury flat.He is a single, has no family left and doesn‘t have real friends. Besides that, Will is used to have only short term relationships and he thinks that there is no sense in building up a family. Will gets his money from the Christmas Song „Santa‘s Super Sleigh“ his dad wrote.He gives a lot of attention on superficial things like his clothes, his car and the music he listens to. Furthermore he is happy with his life, he even invented a half-our-unit plan for his days, where he gives every activity of the day a certain amount of units so he‘s not wasting any time.However he does not want to be seen as a loser because he has not really achieved anything in life yet.
Fiona calls him a ‘selfish bastard’ because he just cares about himself and does not want to get involved in any sorts of serious problems. He refuses this argument because he thinks that he is not putting himself first, because there isn’t anybody else. (p. 126, l.9)Will’s attitude towards life lets him keep any sorts of emotions, commitment and problems out of his everyday life and he thinks that you could shut life out ‘if you didn’t answer the door to it.’ (p.126, l.13) Besides that Will does not really care about the feelings of others and therefore has no problem with lying either. With his fictitious son Ned he wants to meet single mothers at the SPAT Group. He takes advantage of the depressed and lonely women and does not care about the possible consequences of his actions. At a SPAT meeting Will meets Marcus and with the development of a friendship between them Will starts changing more and more. In the beginning Will is really