Pablo Valdez
Liberty University
The pyramid of Maslow is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943, who formulated a hierarchy of human needs and argues that he as basic needs are met, human beings develop needs and highest desires. The hierarchy of needs Maslow is represented as a pyramid consisting of five levels whose main idea is to higher needs to occupy our attention only when our lower needs have been met. I.e., only we care of the self-realization issues if we are sure that we have a stable job, assured food and a social environment that accepts us, to clear.
We say that the more evolves personally someone, more high level of Maslow is located, and therefore, …show more content…
Just go to the fridge or take a nap so that our primary needs are covered.
The second level represents the feelings of security. It responds to a need for order in the world, a chance to work, have minimal resources, fit into society. A person has been unemployed or fails to make ends meet very often blink at this level until you feel the security of stable revenues (if you feel the need).
The third level is that of social needs that translates into a desire to be in contact with other people. Love, friendship and family also belong to this degree. If you have friends who take care of us, a family that the US clothes, a friendly and pleasant working environment, we have our membership needs covered and probably take them for granted in unconscious way.
The fourth level is the need to be appreciated, respected and be someone important. Here are already entering levels of personal development more advanced, in which we seek something more than the mere fact of having our material needs covered. All those who have properly seated the first three levels can all their energy and effort to develop and cover this type of social recognition …show more content…
Tell me what you have at home. And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house but a jar of oil. He said to him, Go, borrow thee vessels borrowed from all your neighbors, empty vessels, not a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons; Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it aside. And she went, and shut the door behind her and her children; and they brought the vessels, and she poured out. When the vessels were full, she said to her son, Bring me yet a vessel.
And he said, There is not another. Then the oil stopped. Then she came and told the man of God, who said, Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons can live on what is left. "
The text could summarize as follows: An unmet need leads to despair with no end, which in turn can lead to a dependence irreplaceable, to finally lead us to an inevitable rescue. Thus, these four words, need, desperation, dependency and rescue are the theme of this wonderful sense of