Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are similar in their origins and religious tenements.They all believe in the same founding God, and that he is the only God. Each religion has a separate name for him, Judaism's is Yahweh, Christianity is God the Father, and Muslims is Allah. All three religions attest that this “ father God” figure is the same entity in all three religions. Also, they all have a prophet or, in Christianity's case, God’s son Jesus. This where Christianity diverges. Judaism's, holy book, the Torah has Moses and islam's holy book, the Quran, was written by the prophet Muhammad. One fascinating point of islam is that it attests Moses and Jesus as prophets of Allah. This fact secures a connection between the three religions. They are all also highly moralistic, securing more rights for slaves and …show more content…
This separation is the concept of a savior, Judaism believes that one day a savior will come, their Messiah. Christianity affirms this belief by claiming that Jesus, a man who was crucified by the Romans, was and still is that God-Son Messiah. The Islamic view is that Jesus was a prophet, but not the son of God. Judaism does not support the belief that Jesus was their messiah nor was he the son of God. This difference is most likely caused as Islam’s origins were influenced by both Jewish and Christian ideals, and therefore took elements of both of their theologies on the Messiah