The Abrahamic religions have many shared ideas and thoughts in relation to life and the driving force of the universe. Jews ,Christians, & Muslims all agree upon the notion that there is only one creator of all of humanity. They are all monotheistic religions and they rely on holy scriptures as a life guided tool. The Christians use the Holy Bible, Islams refer to the Qu’ran, while Jews refer mostly to the Torah. All believe that the human body is only a temporary state and that if the soul is a deemed a good one by following God’s plan then it goes on to live eternally in heaven with Jesus or the equivalent. If the soul judged by God is unworthy, then it must live in hell with the devil. Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike all believe in a coming of the Messiah, though at different times. Another shared belief is that GOD is a merciful God and must be respected and given praise accordingly. He will forgive the sins of the people by repentance and one must live their life according to his teachings.These beliefs are just the tip of the iceberg when talking about similarities between the Abrahamic religions.
Hinduism is an almost complete opposite of the Abrahamic religions. Hindus have no substantial founder of the religion nor do they only worship just one God, but different Gods and Goddesses and manifestations or aspects of the Supreme God. Hinduism is considered a
References: Hopfe, L. & Woodward, M., (2009).Religions of the World,11th ed. Lafave, S., Retrieved January 2004 from