We will start explain this problems and let the prospective students not fall in its traps . As mentioned social problems we can say that its most dangerous problem for our student especially that this student age respong with their pleasure and desire ,But they shouldnt friendship the Bad friends and take care from them, Because they push them for abyss in many ways start from abuse drugs and alcohol and stay wake up till dawn , not to forget the sex realtion ships which danger their for healthy risks.
Now we will talk about economic problems that drive people to work and somtime maybe they work 2 jobs what make them fall in their studies , But the most illness when they earns money and atempted to devote their time to work and leave the education.
In the end and due to this facts we should pay attention for some rules to remain in saftey .As for the economical problem they should remain on convinced that the education is more important from money in this stage from life,and thier education will allow them to attribute to a good job position it will earn them money .And the important thing should we keep away from it the temptation of life from desire to funny entertaiment because it the number one of affecting negativly on education .
All wishes to our student to outperform in their