Absolutism - is the theory that morality is absolute rather than relative; that is, that there are absolute moral truths to which we must adhere and which particular situations, people, or places do not affect (Jacques P. Thiroux, 2012).
Relativism - those who hold this point of view believe that there are no absolutes in morality, but rather that morality is relative to particular cultures, groups, or even individuals, and further that everyone must decide upon his or her own values and ethics because there are no absolutes (Jacques P. Thiroux, 2012).
Absolutism would be condemning a mother who is stealing food for her children because stealing is wrong. Relativism is saying that even though …show more content…
Relativism cons:
• Not all moral views are equal in value
• The meaning of what is good has come down to what is socially acceptable
• Deciding when rules need to be changed may be difficult in different circumstances.
I am not sure if there is an in between to agreeing with both absolutism and relativism. In the case of the mom stealing for food, I see both sides of the story. I agree it is wrong to steal, but I also understand why the mom stole and would not want to condemn her for her actions. In the case of the Islamic practice, I am against animal cruelty and I feel the Islamic culture is wrong for their practice, but I also understand the sacrifice is part of their culture and belief. I honestly do not know which one I agree with the most. I know that there are rules that need to be followed and there is a difference